"No Scenario Survives First Contact with a Wargamer"
NOTE: If you try any of these scenarios please let me know how it went. Think about submitting a battle report for inclusion here. Any questions will be answered and any suggestions as to how to improve them gratefully accepted.
First Contact July 5 1950
Col. Smith was tasked with stopping or holding back the North Korean advance along the main Seoul-Pusan highway. The position chosen was north of Osan. Only 1 in 6 of his force had any combat experience beyond boot camp!
The battle took place in two in two phases with a pause between. The first phase consisted of an advance of 33 N. Korean tanks of the 107th tank Rgt. down the road in several sections. It was here that it was discovered that the WWII 2.6” Bazookas were useless against t-34/85 tanks. The 75 mm RR also failed. The only success was a 105mm howitzer direct firing the only HEAT available on the Korean Penninsula, knocking out 4 tanks. The next phase of the battle started at 11:30 AM with the advance of a more tanks and elements of the North Korean 4th Division. Task force Smith was able to hold on for about 3 hours before being forced to retreat.
It is this second phase that the scenario will simulate. The only tanks on the table at game start are knocked- out N. Korean tanks. They break LOS and give direct cover but due to their location on the table, you can eliminate them without damaging the scenario.
TASK FORCE SMITH July 5, 1950 |
NOTE: 2 contour hills are impassible to tanks.
Terrain is the same as in Cross Fire and Hit The Dirt with a couple of additions:
ROUGH TERRAIN: Represents broken and/or rocky ground. Breaks LOS and provides direct fire
cover only
RICE PADDIES: Provide Direct Cover only and do not break LOS. Vehicle bog down rule from HitThe Dirt applies.
RAILROADS: Always considered on embankments unless otherwise specified. Embankment breaks LOS except for sighting troops who are on 2nd or higher contour of a hill adjacent to the embankment. Embankment is a
linear obstacle and troops on top receive direct cover.
Deploys first dug-in and hidden within map area designated by blue dotted line
Task Force Smith (GREEN)
1 Rifle Sqd.
Hvy Weapons Co
1 75mm Recoiless rifle
1 4.2” Mortar w/ FO (10 FM)
1 105mm Howitzer w/FO (8 FM)
2 2.36” Bazooka teams
B Company
1 CC(+1)
2 platoons ea with:
1 PC(+0)
3 Rifle Sqd
1 platoon with:
3 Rifle Sqd
1 60mm mortar (on table) (12 FM)
C Company
1 CC(+1)
2 platoons ea with:
1 PC(+0)
3 Rifle Sqd
1 platoon with:
3 Rifle Sqd
1 60mm mortar (on table) (12 FM)
Your mission is to hold the position until relieved, blunting the advance of the North Korean force.
The Americans win a minor victory if they have 50% of their forces not suppressed or dead by1330 hrs. They win a major victory if they still meet these conditions by 1430 hrs.
Deploys second. Marches on at the road entrance indicated by the red arrow
Elements of the 4th North Korean Infantry Division. (REGULAR)
4 T34/85
1-Commissar (+1)
Machinegun Company
Mortar Company
3-82mm Mortars OT(8 FM ea.) w/FO
3-Infantry Companies, ea. with:
1-SMG Sqd.
Company Heavy Weapons
3-Rifle Platoons; each with:
2-Rifle Squads
1-SMG Squad
Mission is to advance through Osan and take the
port of Pusan.
NOTE: The North Koreans must march on the road until fired upon, at which time they can deploy to either side of the road. Following troops no longer have to come on the road but may enter anywhere on the entrance road side of the table. Once all three companies of the Btn have been commited, As your troops are killed and or suppressed, you may take them off the table and reform into platoons/companies to enter as a new company on the table behind the lead troops. This represents the fact that the Americans were facing a DIVISION. Your Mortars are at the end of your Battalion column and it takes 1hour, 40 Minutes -5 initiatives (moving Clock – see below) before the FOs to move on table. The company HMGs arrive with their companies, the Btn HMGs when the whole Btn. has been committed.
The moving Clock (as in Hit the Dirt) is in effect. Game start is 1120 hrs and the clock advances 1/3 hr after every American Initiative in which a 5 or 6 is rolled on a D6.
The Americans win a minor victory if they have 50% of their forces not suppressed or dead by 1340 hrs. They win a major victory if they still meet these conditions by 1440 hrs.
North Korean Infiltration Sept 1950
In September 1950 the United Nations forces were defending the
Pusan perimeter and building up for the breakout. That period saw major guerilla activity and infiltration
of UN rear areas by the North Koreans. The early morning of Sept, 3 1950 the N. Koreans surprised A Battery, 64th Field Artillery Btn in an attempt to overrun the guns and destroy them. The Americans were able to fight them off in a hard fought nose-to-nose action.
This is a small company size action suitable for 2 players.
It is 0245, defend your guns and hold your position until dawn (0500)
Set on FIRST within the blue-dotted area shown on map.
Only Buildings SOUTH of the Chinjin-Masan road may be occupied by 1 Sqd ea.
Each 105 mm Howitzer is dug in and the emplacement may be occupied by 1 Sqd. The HMGs may also start dug-in
CC (+1)(Regular)
6 105mm Howitzers. w/1 sqd. ea. as rifle armed crew (Green)
Equivalent of 2 platoons of rifle armed crew (Green)
Platoon A
1 PC (+1)
3 gunners/rifle squads
Platoon B
1 PC (+0)
3 gunners/rifle squads
2 communication Squads w/rifles(Green)
1 M16 Quad ½ track mtd MG
This weapon was poorly maintained – if a pair of 1’s show up on any roll of the hit dice for this weapon, it jams and is useless for the rest of the game.
Possible Reinforcement.
Reinforcement arrives at the beginning of the American initiative listed. Roll a D6 for a 5-6. If reinforcement does not arrive, dice at the beginning of each subsequent initiative.
2 FM of 155MM anywhere on ridge line at 0415 or later.
1 M4 E8 tank arrives from the West at 0430.
It is 0245, attack and destroy enemy guns before until dawn (0500)
You will split your force into 2 groups, equal in size as may be. They will attack from 2 of 3 possible directions from off table. From the North, South or West.
Set on SECOND and you have the Initiative.
1 CC(+1) (All Veteran)
1 80mm Mortar w/FO and 10 FM
4 paltoons ea. w/
1 PC(0)
3 Rifle Sqds.
Possible Reinforcement.
Historically, American ammo was hit by gunfire and caught fire illuminating much of the American position. At the beginning of the 0345 initiative or subsequent initiatives, roll a D6 a 5+, the ammo illuminates the American set on area except only inside the hill. Illuminated targets no longer get the one Die night cover. All other night fighting rules apply.
Night fighting: As per Hit The Dirt
Moving Clock is in effect: Whenever the American loose the initiative, roll a D6. The clock advances 15 minutes for a roll of 5+
The Pusan Perimiter, August 1950
HILL 303
Based on an actual battle that took place on the Pusan Perimeter Aug 14-17, 1950. The action started at 0800 on the 15th with the Americans holding out until they managed to break out late in the evening of the next day. Obviously a Cross Fire game representing 36 or more hours would be a little daunting – so I reduced the forces available and have set the end of scenario time at 1000 hrs on the 14th, a game length representing 14 hrs.
TERRAIN NOTE: Fields are IN SEASON, Houses hold 2 stands (CO, Observers do not count),
Mission: To break through and relieve Coy G, 5
th Cav Rgt that has been surrounded by the North Koreans and are in danger of being overrun.
Forces Available:
Co B, 5th Cav Rgt. REGULARS
CO (+2)
1 76MM RR w/ Prime Mover
3 Platoons ea. with
1 PC (+1)
3 Inf Sqds
1 Mortar Platoon
1 PC(+0)
2 60mm Mortars
Co C, 5th Cav Rgt. REGULARS
CO (+2)
1 76MM RR w/ Prime mover
3 Platoons ea. with
PC (+1)
3 Inf Sqds
1 Mortar Platoon
1 PC(+0)
2 60mm Mortars
Tank Platoon
Support Artillery:
3 4.2" Mortars 12 rounds each. w/ 1 FO ea.
Company G will place first followed by the North Koreans then these US Forces will enter the EAST end of the table.
Co G, 5th Cav Rgt.
You set on first within the BLUE dotted lines on Hill 303. You have had heavy casualties and are completely surrounded by the North Koreans. Your mission is to survive and to break out to the East where friendly forces are moving towards your relief.
All your units start DUG IN But once a stand moves it looses the Cover defined by DUG IN.
Co G, 5th Cav Rgt. REGULARS
1 CO (+2)
2 Platoons ea. with
1 PC (+1)
2 Inf Sqds
1 Platoon. with
1 PC (+1)
2 Inf Sqds
1 3.5” Bazooka Sqd
2 60mm Mortars
3 sections of Barbed Wire
1 Minefield
Mission: Destroy the enemy position on Hill 303 but maintain the strength of you units as they are needed in a planned attack into the NAKONG BULGE. You place your troops second (after CO G) within the dotted red lines and have the initiative. Your tank force will come over the bridge over the
Nan river to the west on the 0930 initiative. There is an enemy buildup of armor and infantry to the EAST.
1 Btn CO (+2) (REGULAR)
Co A
CO (+1)
3 Platoons ea with
1 PC (+0)
3 Inf Sqds
Co B
CO (+1)
3 Platoons ea with
1 PC (+0)
3 Inf Sqds
Co C
CO (+1)
2 Platoons ea with
1 PC (+0)
3 Inf Sqds
1Platoon ea with
1 PC (+0)
3 SMG Sqds
1 120mm Mortar (12 Missions) w/FO
1 80mm Mortar (12 Missions) w/FO
Tank Platoon:
4 T 34 Tanks
The Americans win if they can get a platoon of infantry into the Co G positions, or if at least 4 elements of Co G pushes through the NK position to the East.
The Moving Clock is in effect. Roll a D6 after each American initiative loss. A 5+ and the clock advances ½ hour. If the clock does not advance for two initiatives in a row, the die roll requirement moves to 4+ until there is a clock advance, then it reverts to 5+. The game starts at 0800 and ends at 2200. Night fall is at 2000 hrs.
Initiative. There is ONE initiative for the Americans. The relieving force commander will decide which of the 2 American forces get the initiative or when and if one force will pass it on to the other.
Night. Nightfall is at 1000 hrs. The night fighting rules of
Hit The Dirt then apply.
ED NOTE: Le Shako, a wargame club in France has published a scenario and battle report based on this one - see: